The Objective
The aim of this project is to create a safe outdoor space that is suitable for wheelchair use so that Stuart can enjoy his back garden as he recuperates from his latest round of chemotherapy for a brain tumour

Stuart is a plasterer and scaffolder from Hertfordshire who had his first seizure in 2002, which went misdiagnosed for two years until doctors correctly diagnosed a brain tumour in 2004.
Despite having treatment, it returned in 2009. And he had further surgical procedures in 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2019. The 52-year-old father of four – who is an Arsenal football fan – has endured rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy over the years. He was told when he was initially diagnosed with his brain tumour that the typical life expectancy is five years. As well as the tumour, he also has right-sided weakness, epilepsy and part of his skull is missing.
In January 2022, Stuart and his wife Tracy were told that the tumour was growing again. He is currently going through the latest round of chemotherapy, which is draining and requires him to use a wheelchair during his recovery.
Having a safe outdoor space would mean the world to Stuart so he can be surrounded by his family, enjoy the fresh air and look out over the fields that back onto his garden.
The Project
Stuart has a big garden but doesn’t venture out, as it’s uneven and hazardous for him – this is problematic because being in the sunshine is a real tonic for him, especially after each treatment of chemotherapy for his brain tumour. The BoB team are currently looking at the options, which include laying decking or creating a patio area, as well as building some raised beds so Stuart can tend and grow some vegetables.
Dates TBC
The location of Stuart’s project is Albury, Hertfordshire
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