Jonnie's Project

The Objective

The main goal for this project was to make Jonnie’s home more accessible for him, working with the Lighthouse Charity and DG Accessible Designs Ltd.

9 Tradespeople
5 Days to Complete
£21,000 Delivery Value

377 Labour Hours

Over 377 labour hours went into the completion of Jonnie's project.


John Coburn, a plasterer from Holland on Sea was left wheelchair bound following a major brain aneurysm in December 2012, aged 55.

After being hospitalised for over 14 months, John, who likes to be known as 'Jonnie', has no access to washing facilities and has to sleep downstairs. Access into the property is also very difficult and as a result of these combined factors there has been a considerable emotional and financial impact on John and his family.

Watch Jonnie's Reaction

The Project

Band of Builders has joined forces with the Lighthouse Charity which offers financial assistance to construction workers, and DG Accessible Designs Limited who help manage projects for vulnerable members of the community to help Jonnie and his family by making modifications to the garden and creating a ramped access to the property at Holland on Sea, Essex.

On May 27th, nine volunteers from across the country descended on Jonnie’s home to start a five-day project to completely landscape the garden at Jonnie’s home allowinghim a safe way to get in and out of his home and enjoy his garden - something he also hasn’t been able to do since he fell ill.

The group completely landscaped the garden at Jonnie’s home, widening paths and making it possible for him to get around it in his wheelchair. Thanks to donated materials and free labour by the volunteers, the charity managed to do around £20,000 of work at a cost of just £2,000 - and nothing at all to Jonnie and his family.

Speaking after the project, an emotional Jonnie and wife Jackie said: “We just want to say a heartfelt thank you to Band of Builders. What they’ve done is above and beyond
what we were expecting.

“The whole project is heartwarming and so generous, it’s left us completely overwhelmed. Thank you.”

The group were supported by local businesses who donated materials and members of the community, who fed and watered them during the project.

Band of Builders’ project lead Tim Height, said: “It’s been an honour and a privilege to make changes that will have a huge positive effect for Jonnie and his family. We’ve had amazing support from the local community and are over-the-moon that Jonnie is pleased with what we’ve done.”

The project used materials donated and discounted by: G&A Safety Supplies; Silverton Aggregates, Clacton-on-Sea; EH Smith Builders Merchants, Witham; Power Lift Plant Ltd, Braintree; Jewson Billericay; Talasey Group; Milwaukee; County Skips Ltd, Clacton-on-Sea; Hilltop Garden Centre, Clacton-on-Sea.