Peter's Project

The Objective

As a result of an accident whilst at work, Peter has been left wheelchair bound with years of medical treatment to hopefully get him back on his feet. Peter's home was not wheelchair friendly meaning he was unable to access the bathroom or kitchen and only able to go outside with the help of his family. Our aim was to make Peter's home more accessible to help aid his lengthy recovery process.

36 Tradespeople
9 Days to Complete
£47,484 Delivery Value

1152 Labour Hours

Over 1152 labour hours went into the completion of Peter's project.


Peter, 46 year old plumber from Pen-Y-Garnedd, Wales, who was injured in December 2018 after falling from a ladder has been a Band of Builders supporter since the organisation's infancy and gave up his time in 2018 to volunteer on. Since then Peter has continued to volunteer for Band of Builders where possible by joining in with fundraising events and giving up his spare time to moderate BoB's trade-specific social media platform, 'We are Band of Builders'.

In December 2018, Peter was inspecting a roof and work area on a single storey building ahead of a flue installation when the cat ladder he was using began to slide down the roof. Peter fell from the roof, suffering severe fractures to both heels and one of his feet. 

After spending a week in hospital and undergoing numerous scans and x-rays, Peter returned to hospital in January for 10 days to have an operation on his left foot. The surgeon reconstructed Peter's foot using pins and plates but, due to the extent of the injuries, his right foot is currently inoperable, leaving him with no other option other than to wait to determine the level of disability before a medical decision can be made on the next course of action.

Consultants advised Peter that as a result of his accident he will be left with significant and permanent mobility issues. He currently faces only two surgical options - a subtalar joint fusion or amputation depending on the level of damage sustained. This will only become clear once Peter begins his physiotherapy to hopefully walk again. At this stage (March 2019), Peter 2-4 years of medical treatment, with the outcome at the moment uncertain for both heels and his future.

The Project

On April 19, 40 tradesmen and women from across the country travelled to Wales to carry out work including widening doorways and removing a wall to allow wheelchair access, installing a new kitchen, installing a bathroom that Peter had supplied and fitting a new path, patio and concrete hard standing to allow Peter to access outside safely and without assistance.

Peter said: “I’ve been on other BoB projects myself and seen amazing things but I had no idea how it would feel to be on the receiving end of something like this. It’s been amazing. Not just the help from BoB but the support they had from the local community, from people delivering ice creams to pubs feeding the guys and girls.
“People I don’t even know saw something good happening and wanted to get involved, and that’s part of the beauty of Band of Builders.”
He said the changes to his home might appear small but would make a huge difference.
“For five months I’ve been stuck in three rooms. On Sunday for the first time since the accident I could get myself to the bathroom, then go and put the kettle on, make breakfast for everyone and feel like a husband and a dad again instead of a patient.
“They seem like small things but they’re massive and have fundamentally changed things for us for the better. I can’t thank everyone enough.”

Utilitarian Benefit

Kitchen Area - Previously the Kitchen area was not accessible to Peter after his accident meaning that he was confined to 2 rooms of the house, making this accessible allows Peter  to access both the Kitchen and the family Bathroom 2 points of access into the Garden to spend time together as a family.

Bathroom - The Bathroom was not accessible to Peter therefore transforming the space into an accessible bathroom allows Peter to use the facilities independently.

Garden Renovation - The garden renovation allows Peter to safely access the boiler room and his workshop giving Peter a bit more independence as the property sits on steep hills which meant that Peter was unable to go out side unaided. With the boiler room being detached to the property this meant that if for any reason the heating was to fail Peter had no means to rectify this until a family member was home.