The Objective
In 2023, Simon Taylor was on the verge of expanding his landscaping business. He had begun to specialise in resin-bound surfacing and had a full order book. He was about to buy a new tipper truck and had a good team around him. And life was good at home too, as he had embarked on redecorating throughout his house.
The Christmas before he noticed the vision in his right eye was becoming blurred. He was diagnosed with a macular hole, followed by retinal detachment. He had two operations in 2023 – and that was the last time he was able to work. Simon has since had to close the business that he spent more than 20 years building up.
He has since lost sight in his right eye, and the vision in his left eye is down to just 30%. Simon is registered as sight impaired, and the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) suggested he reach out to Band of Builders for help to complete the redecoration of the house he shares with fiancée Debi.

Over the Christmas period in 2022, Simon first noticed slightly blurred vision in his right eye – but didn’t think much about it, but eventually went to hospital, where he was diagnosed with a macular hole – which is a small gap that opens at the centre of the retina in the macula. It causes blurred and distorted vision. He underwent an operation on it in April 2023. In August of the same year he then suffered two retinal detachments (where the thin layer at the back of an eye becomes loose) and had to have four operations to try to rectify the issues. Unfortunately, each procedure led to a further deterioration to the point where he now has light-only perception in his right eye. Recuperation after the first two operations involved lying face down for 14 hours a day for 10 days.
Around the same time, he developed a macular hole in his left eye, and surgery was not recommended due to his vision loss in his right eye. Although his left eye has stabilised, he is left with around 30% sight, which is distorted and has a central blank spot.
He now holds a CVI (Certificate of Visual Impairment) and is registered as sight impaired with West Berkshire Council.
Simon has a 20-year-old African Grey parrot called Harvey for company – and dreams of opening a hotel for boarding, rehoming and rehabilitating parrots.
The Project
A few weeks before his sight issues began, Simon had started to redecorate the interior of his house and had almost finished the living room – with just the glossing of the skirting boards and a door to go.
He’d also started work on the hall, stairs and landing by undercoating the woodwork, as well as filling in and rubbing down the walls ready for emulsion.
This three-day project involved completing the redecorating - with a focus on the hall, stairs and landing – as well as hanging new doors upstairs.