The Objective
Michael Dangerfield – known to everyone as Willie – from Gloucester had a stroke and suffered a brain injury ten years ago and has been unable to work since. Following his recent divorce, he moved into a new flat but couldn’t afford to get the boiler repaired for his central heating and hot water.
Willie attends Headway Gloucestershire, a charity dedicated to improving life after brain injury, and after hearing his plight, his keyworker Sharon helped him with the application to Band of Builders.

Willie was a general builder, with particular skill in laying resin floors. While working away on a project in Wales, he suffered a bad headache and was taken to A&E, where tests revealed that he had experienced a major stroke – which left him with a brain injury.
He has faced a long road to recovery, which has taken its toll on Willie in a number of ways. He has not able to work since the stroke, he suffers from fatigue and memory loss, and it cost him his marriage.
Before the stroke, Willie was a keen runner, and in recent years he has started open water swimming. He regularly attends Headway Gloucestershire, which helps survivors of acquired brain injury as they adapt to unwelcome changes and work hard toward their recovery.
Willie was facing the prospect of a cold winter without heating or hot water.
The Project
Willie received an eye-watering quote to repair his boiler. It turned out that the initial quote had actually misdiagnosed the fault, so when BoB volunteer Matt O’Brien arrived with the parts, he had to order the correct parts and make another trip to Willie’s home to fix the boiler. Now Willie can enjoy a warm home this winter.